While its membership is drawn from Afghanistan's major ethnic groups (Pashtun, Hazara, Tajik, and Uzbek, and one religious minority, Shia), and it is led by the southern Pashtun leader Hamid ...
The word “Afghan” comes from “Pashtun,” and “stan” means “land.” Therefore, Afghanistan is often referred to as the “Land of the Pashtuns.” In 1747, Ahmad Shah Durrani unified ...
She was an experienced Washington Post war correspondent and he was a decorated Green Beret, known as 'Lawrence of Afghanistan' for his ability to rally the local Pashtun tribes to his side.
Afghanistan's demographics have fluctuated over the years as a result of refugee flows, but ethnic Pashtuns are presently thought to account for about 38 percent of the total population and ...
Also traders. There could be vegetables. And then his people—the Kyrgyz nomads of remote Afghanistan—might have a legitimate chance to thrive. A road is the khan’s work. A car is his dream.
It doesn't have to be all of the above. A couple, maybe even one, could do the job. Unfortunately, Afghanistan don't even ...
The top Russian diplomat also noted that there is still political opposition in Afghanistan ... which would include not only ethnic Pashtuns, not only other ethnic groups, but feature political ...