Analyzing how the different markers of CeVD and brain activity patterns correlate to affect the participants, the team identified a global functional connectome phenotype, or a unique pattern in ...
Researchers, led in part by University of Nevada, Reno’s Meet Zandawala, identify specific clock neurons that govern daily ...
Researchers Puzzled by a Group of People Missing a Brain Structure to Smell but Are Still Sniffing Odors Comfortably It's ...
The first bottleneck we're gonna hit is the connectome. The connectome is a complete map of the brain, basically the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow for neuroscientists. Brains are wildly complex.
“It’s really a breakthrough in mapping the living human brain using [magnetic resonance imaging-based] methods,” neuroscientist Katrin Amunts at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, who was not ...
This map shows the precise location and arrangement of the 50 largest neurons of the fly brain connectome. These 50, along with another 139,205 brain cells in the brain of an adult fruit fly ...
The resulting picture, emerging bit by bit, is known as "the connectome." The ability of the brain to elaborate new connections and neuronal circuits—neuroplasticity—underlies all learning.
This image shows the complete fruit fly connectome: all 139,255 brain cells in the brain of an adult fruit fly. Activity within these neurons drives an entire organism, from sensory perception to ...