Sex and Skin: Eh. Just sounds of humping coming from the back of a van.
Heart Eyes” — a critically acclaimed Valentine’s Day-themed horror thriller — is new on digital streaming. Find out where you ...
It has been almost a month since the film “Heart Eyes” released, and it is still as divisive as ever. When reflecting on the ...
Josh Ruben’s Heart Eyes is so 1990s. Maybe that doesn’t matter much to you, but it means more to me than I imagined it would. Heart Eyes, scripted by slasher perennials Phillip Murphy ...
I am here to reclaim it, in the name of “Heart Eyes,” a horror comedy — horror screwball comedy no less — that isn’t as good as it is entertaining, but it is wildly that. Director Josh ...
Director Josh Ruben (Werewolves Within) has dared to provide genre audiences with something altogether new, fresh, and risky. While horror-comedy might be a well-worn subgenre at this point ...
Things don’t go well though because their budding romance is targeted by Heart Eyes, or HEK as they call him in the movie, even though they aren’t together. Who is the killer? It’s a mystery ...
This month we were presented with another promising slasher entry in Heart Eyes, directed by Josh Ruben. Heart Eyes has a clever premise, as a masked killer strikes every Valentine's Day ...
Going into “Heart Eyes,” it seemed as if the new horror film directed by Josh Ruben would be a disappointing, overly similar slasher with a goofy premise. However, the film subverts all expectations, ...
When I first saw the trailer for “Heart Eyes,” I wasn’t all that intrigued. Admittedly the trailer doesn’t really do the movie justice and it looked like a generic slasher with a healthy ...
It’s a killer weekend for new movies on demand with a couple of fun new arrivals including the slasher flick Heart Eyes and ...
While it has its fair share of humor and heart, there are more than a few dents in the armor for this new, would-be horror icon. If you are looking for a serviceable, fun slasher movie, Heart Eyes ...