Thousands of marine species from microscopic zooplankton to the largest cetaceans rely on sound for survival and many have ...
This story appears in the October 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine ... whether we’re dooming these animals. But after months of reporting on sea turtles in several countries, I ...
Read this story and more in the June 2018 issue of National ... Geographic magazine. On a boat off Costa Rica, a biologist uses pliers from a Swiss army knife to try to extract a plastic straw ...
Sea dragons survive on tiny crustaceans such as mysids, or sea lice. It is not known if they are preyed upon by other animals. They are, however, frequently taken by divers seeking to keep them as ...
Females slip into the sea to hunt and return to their young with the day's catch—identifying their own offspring by touch and scent. These animals are social and also gather at various times ...
Even more riveting is the later struggle to the ocean of each tiny ... Highly migratory animals, they often travel hundreds of miles to reach their nesting beach, usually the same beach they ...
In Japan, Steller's sea eagles feast on cod. In addition to fish, they eat crabs, shellfish, squid, small animals, ducks, gulls, and carrion. Steller's sea eagles do not occur in large numbers ...
This story appears in the April 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine. Castello Aragonese is a tiny island that rises straight out of the Tyrrhenian Sea like ... are tiny animals that form ...
Podolsky co-directed Sea of Shadows, a National Geographic documentary about activists ... tale about the importance of protecting rare animals “at the first sign of trouble”—not when ...