If the sun is shining and Phil the groundhog does see his shadow, he takes that as “an omen of six more weeks of bad weather and returns to his hole,” according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.
Punxsutawney Phil is back at it again celebrating Groundhog Day with thousands in Pennsylvania on Sunday. So six more weeks of winter or early spring?
You don’t have to even see your in-laws. You wake up, the rat comes out of the hole, poof. It’s done.” Punxsutawney Phil is loaded into a car after a public appearance.
crowds headed to Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa., to find out what the famous groundhog would see when he emerged from his hole. And in this year's annual report, Phil saw his shadow ...
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (KDKA) — Punxsutawney Phil is predicting six more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow at Gobbler's Knob Sunday morning. Thousands of people gather every Feb. 2 to watch ...
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. — Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on Groundhog Day and predicted six more weeks of wintry weather, his top-hatted handlers announced to a raucous, record-sized crowd Sunday at ...
Punxsutawney Phil is getting ready to make another key weather prediction this coming Groundhog Day, Feb. 2 -- and it'll be the first year he will do so as a parent. The famous groundhog and his ...
Punxsutawney Phil is loaded into a car after a public appearance ... You wake up, the rat comes out of the hole, poof. It's done." ...
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (AP) — Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Sunday and predicted six more weeks of wintry weather, his top-hatted handlers announced to a raucus, record-sized crowd at Gobbler’s ...