"The crop is still in the field as we transplanted late. We are very worried about the rain during harvest time," said Sameer Pradhan, a farmer from Takarada in Sheragada block. Last month ...
In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Sameer Pradhan, Xiaoqiang Luo, Marta Recasens, Eduard Hovy, Vincent Ng, and Michael Strube. 2014. Scoring ...
We demanded relaxation of the fair average quality (FAQ) norms of paddy on purchase by the government,” said Sameer Pradhan, a farmer of Takarada in Sheragada block. Several farmers have also demanded ...
“We have appealed to the government to provide an additional input subsidy of Rs 1,000 per tonne to sugarcane growers,” said Sameer Pradhan, president of the association. The factory authorities ...
Acceptable Percentage,Acoustic Model,Air Travel,Car Rental,Classification Accuracy,Confidence Estimation,Cost Threshold,Decision Tree,Decision Tree Classifier ...