Buddhist groups backed by the Sri Lankan military ... The Socialist Equality Party calls for a Sri Lanka-Eelam Socialist Republic as part of a united Socialist Federation of South Asia and ...
The State ceremony to present the ‘Sannas Pathraya’ to the Incumbent of the Balangoda Sri Dharmananda Vidyayathana Pirivena ...
It was on the Poson full moon day in June 306 B.C. (i.e. 237 years after the demise of the Buddha), that Arhat Mahinda formally introduced Buddhism including the Tripitaka to Sri Lanka. According to ...
There are an estimated 7,000 wild elephants in Sri Lanka, where the animals, revered by its Buddhist majority, are protected by law. Killing an elephant is a crime punishable by imprisonment or a fine ...
Buddhism is practiced in various parts of the world and the Ancient Greeks played a significant role in the mission of ...
The amendments to Sections 41 and 42 of the Buddhist Temporalities Ordinance will be introduced soon ensuring the formal ...
br><br>On locked content say dance Sri ... health Lanka son locked contentthe environment The prince locked contentLanka Monk son at locked contentThe Bumthang prince relic locked contentson Karma at ...
Buddhist people have emotional attachment toward elephants because animals are linked to their religious tradition ...
The recently opened Pekoe Trail, which runs for more than 300km through tea plantations, villages and forests, tells the ...