It's Groundhog Day, a special day for fans of weather-predicting rodents! Here's Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction about winter.
So while there have likely been several Punxsutawney Phils since 1886, the Groundhog Club doesn't publicize that information, ...
Punxsutawney Phil is spending his time post-Groundhog Day working as a seasonal employee at Ace Hardware and supporting their ...
Punxsutawney Phil made his annual prediction in Pennsylvania on Sunday as America's most famous groundhog saw a shadow, ...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Punxsutawney Phil is gearing up to make his annual weather prediction on Groundhog Day, Feb. 2 — and this year, he’ll be doing it as a parent for the first time.
Early spring or six more weeks of winter? See Punxsutawney Phil's Groundhog Day predictions through the years.
Punxsutawney Phil, the famous weather-predicting groundhog, became the focus of two different attention– because of his ...
Punxsutawney Phil is predicting six more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow at Gobbler's Knob Sunday morning. Thousands ...
In 1886, Groundhog Day was acknowledged for the first time in Punxsutawney by a local newspaper, Weathers Wags, according to ...
It's Groundhog Day, a special day for fans of weather-predicting rodents! Here's Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction about winter. The largest crowd to ever gathered at Gobbler’s Knob in ...
Did you miss your chance to get your ticket to the sold-out event on Gobbler’s Knob, where Punxsutawney Phil will make his prediction? It's ok! Here's how to watch the event live. Early Sunday ...