Nigeria’s economic crisis has left many people struggling to put food on the table. A video shared on X claims to show hungry ...
He even brought together musicians Rasheed Attre and Master Inayat Hussain to compose for Anarkali ... producer and director Yawar Hayat and grandson of Anwar Kamal Pasha, told this scribe ...
Dr. Haroon Rashid Tabassum’s auctorial skillsBy Syed Afsar Sajid Islami Fauj Day Pahlay Salaar (SAW )         Dr. HR ...
Karbala is considered a holy site by Iraq’s Shia majority, being the location of the tomb of Hussein, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. For members of the Shia sect, Hussein is considered to be ...
For Shia Muslims, it marks the anniversary of the killing of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson Hussein during the Battle of Karbala, and is therefore a day of mourning. Safar: The second month of ...
Mukhtar Thaqafi was a Shiite Muslim leader who sets up a rebellion movement in 686 A.D in the town of Kufa to avenge the martyrdom of Hussain (grandson of Islamic Prophet Muhammad). Solomon, Prophet ...
Prince Muhammad Ali has left a comfortable life in Paris to fulfil an enduring dream -- return to Egypt, where his ...