This article unveils the top places to visit in Switzerland, where each destination is adorned with breathtaking landscapes ...
Laylah Ali was born in Buffalo, New York, in 1968, and lives and works in Williamstown, Massachusetts. She received a BA from Williams College and an MFA from Washington University in St. Louis, ...
Electronic Intifada executive director Ali Abunimah is taking legal action in Switzerland over his violent and unjustified arrest there last month. And he has revealed that: the files my lawyers ...
Täter festgenommen Das 41-jährige Opfer kam schwer verletzt in ein Krankenhaus nahe Zürich. Der Täter, ein 28-jähriger Australier, wurde festgenommen. Das Ereignis erinnert schmerzvoll an die ...
Die Organisation heisst Swiss Barakah. Sie wurde 2019 in Zürich Schwamendingen gegründet. Seither ist sie rasant gewachsen. Gemäss eigenen Angaben ist sie in mehr als 60 Ländern aktiv ...
Acclaimed director Ali Abbasi has lost his high profile U.S. representatives following a groping allegation by an A-list star. Sources told Variety the incident occurred at famed Los Angeles hotel ...
Swiss authorities detained and expelled Palestinian journalist Ali Abunimah despite federal agencies rejecting a ban on his entry, newly obtained documents have revealed. The executive director of The ...
Electronic Intifada co-founder and executive director Ali Abunimah was detained by Swiss police for two days in January before being deported. He was never charged with a crime, but the police said ...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali said the VP is the 'most popular American in Europe' GB NEWS "It's a boost for European citizens that the American vice president is saying for them what they have been thinking about, ...
Der 53-jährige Ali Abunimah, Direktor der Plattform «Electronic Intifada», hätte am Sonntag, 26. Januar, in Zürich in der Zentralwäscherei an einer Diskussionsrunde teilnehmen sollen.
Drei Bundesstellen waren gegen eine Einreisesperre für Ali Abunimah. Dann machte die Bundespolizei eine Kehrtwende. Hat der Zürcher Sicherheitsdirektor Mario Fehr etwas damit zu tun? Protokoll ...