The 30-year-old man from Auburn was allegedly driving the SUV when he crashed into a barrier and swerved off the road, ...
STOCKTON – Police activity has one lane of southbound Interstate 5 through Stockton closed late Wednesday morning. The closure is in place at Hammer Road, with all lanes of I-5 being closed at one ...
Opposition to light rail on the planned Interstate 5 replacement bridge continues to grow in Clark County’s small cities.
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has quite a few projects scheduled this week as construction season ...
The Washington State Department of Transportation has warned drivers to prepare for a weekend of closures around Western Washington.
FAWNDALE, Calif. - All northbound traffic on Interstate 5 will be screened for chains by Caltrans crews at the Fawndale Road ...
Four total cars were involved in the crash, one car came down off State Route 599 and three cars were involved on I-5.
California Highway Patrol was dispatched around 1:06 p.m. to northbound Interstate 5 near the offramp for Eight Mile Road.
A crash on the State Route 599/Interurban overpass Friday morning caused a vehicle to plummet onto northbound Interstate 5.
This is the first time Californians have seen this level of transparency about Caltrans projects. Statewide, 13 projects ...
One man is dead and six other people were injured after a crash on the State Route 599/Interurban overpass Friday morning caused a Toyota Highlander to plummet onto northbound Interstate 5 in ...