Our TV movie pick for tonight (Friday, 14 March) is The French Dispatch, the 2021 anthology comedy-drama from cult director Wes Anderson.
Advancing to 2025, Leonard faces challenges synonymous with aging and injuries. At 34 years old, he now averages 18.1 points, 5 rebounds, and 2.8 assists, indicating a marked decline in performance.
Patrick Schwarzenegger has opened up about how he reacted to his family watching his White Lotus nude scene for the first ...
Mortal Kombat 1's T-1000 and Conan intro leads to yet another reference revolving around an actor who's been in multiple franchises.
The Mortal Kombat 1 T-1000 and Peacemaker intro calls out how someone with actor Robert Patrick's face may look familiar to Peacemaker.